Land Survey
A topographical survey or land survey is an accurate representation of the area of interest including exact positioning of features on and around the area being mapped. Features such as buildings, walls, roads, manholes, utilities, pathways, trees, ditches, streams etc are accurately surveyed in three dimensional coordinates using latest Total Station and GPS Technology.
What type of surveys does Riddwood provide?
We can provide any type of survey, including:
Level surveys
Rural and urban surveys
Road and infrastructure surveys
Pipe, utility and buried services surveys
Waterways surveys
What information is included in a topographical survey?
The level of detail specified in your survey is critical to reduce costs such as delays and inefficient labour resources through the planning, design and construction process.
A typical land survey will include the existing buildings, structures, boundary details, ground surface grid, tree positions, drainage and utility details and service cover positions.
Additional details can be included such as the features adjacent to the site or underground services.
What equipment do we use for a topographical survey?
Riddwood Consulting Engineers use the latest technology to gather data with a suite of the most up-to-date Leica Total Stations and GPS units complete with SmartNet which provides the most precise positions, accurately and quickly.
Using a mixture of traditional survey methods and the latest technology to collect data we are able to produce a range of plans, models, schematic and visual aids in the format of your choice. We work with a range of clients from completing topographical surveys across the rail infrastructure in strict accordance with Network Rail standards, to gathering details of Grade II listed buildings for leading interior design architects.
A topographical survey of the embankment on a Network Rail site in Balcombe, Riddwood's remit was to map ground water springs for designing system of small ditches to direct water into railway drainage, minimising disruption on track.
Landsurvey and design of new flume from top of embankment into existing track drainage in Dormans.